Halloween pumpkin made from a magazine


Another of the typical Halloween decorations is the pumpkin decorated with a terrifying face and in this post we create a modern and different version of this pumpkin made from a magazine.

In this way, we will decorate easily, quickly and recycling our house without having to waste a pumpkin.


  1. Magazine.
  2. Piece of cloth. 
  3. Glue.
  4. Scissors. 
  5. Pencil.



We will draw half pumpkin brushing the spine of the magazine and we will cut the entire magazine page by page. Once we have the entire magazine cut, we will hook a pencil on the spine and join the first and last pages, closing the pumpkin.

Finally, we will tie a cloth ribbon to the tip of the pencil as if they were the leaves of the pumpkin and we will have our adornment ready Halloween.


Until the next DIY!

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