Hama Beads figures with templates to print

Hama Beads Figures

Hama Beadswith some super fun plastic beads. You can make an infinite number of figures that can later be given as gifts. They serve as decoration and have very original utilities. You can place a magnet behind it and use it as a fridge magnet; if you place a small ring you can hang it as a key ring or where you prefer. If you make other types of figures, you can also use it as a pendant.

These figures are a craft that children really like. Small plastic rings are put together and then placed under the heat of an iron to melt. Then we will have formed the piece we want. If you really like this craft, we have other equally fun ideas:

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The materials that have been used for the Hama Beads figures:

  • Template board for accounts.
  • Colored Hama Beads (purple, black, gold, pink, yellow, green).
  • Baking paper or parchment paper.
  • Griddle.
  • Printed page with drawings. Template with drawings for Hama Beads

You can see this manual step by step in the following video:

First step:

We place the sheet that we have printed on the table. On top we put the template to fit the pieces of Hama Beads. For example, we have flamenco. As the template is transparent we can fit the pieces according to their shape.

Second step:

For the figure to form, we will place the baking paper and iron it gently. The heat must not be very strong so that they do not melt too much. We iron it for a few seconds and see if it has undone, if it has not, we will iron it a little more.

Third step:

We will make other figures such as the cactus, the pineapple and a symbol of peace. Whenever we want to make figures, we will look for them on the internet, print them out and place them under the template to make the shapes we want.

Hama Beads Figures

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