Hand gel decorated with Halloween motif

Halloween Hand Soap

We have this pair of super fun gels And Halloween theme that you will love. The whole family, and especially children, can wash their hands with hand soap full of scary bugs. We love this idea because it is original and fun, and children can also participate by putting the animals inside the bottle. They will love washing their hands!

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The materials that have been used for hand gels:

  • 2 bottles of hand gels, with a transparent color or a very light color.
  • Small plastic or rubber scorpions, spiders or worms.
  • Orange decorative bow.

You can see this manual step by step in the following video:

First step:

We remove the stickers from the gel bottles. If there are traces of glue left, we can remove them with a cloth or cotton soaked with alcohol.

Halloween Hand Soap

Second step:

We remove the dispenser. We begin to introduce the bugs through the mouth of the gel bottle. To push them down we can use the dispenser tube. In addition, we can reposition them among all the gel so that they are well spread.

Halloween Hand Soap

Third step:

We place the dispenser and screw it on. We cut a piece of decorative ribbon and tied it around the neck of the bottle. We make a pretty bow.

Halloween Hand Soap

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