Cheerful and colorful virtual card

Cheerful and colorful virtual card

This card is super colorful and cheerful. It is a great idea where when we unfold it we can see how it does the virtual form of a spiral full of flowers and hearts. You have to follow a series of steps that we leave you detailed below, although you can also watch them with the video that we have prepared for you. This card It is ideal to give as a gift or for children to do and encourage their imagination to fire.

3d card
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The materials that have been used for the virtual card:

  • 1 black card.
  • 1 green card.
  • 1 blue glitter cardstock
  • 1 piece of pink glitter cardstock.
  • 1 yellow sheet.
  • A pen.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

Cut a large rectangle out of black cardboard. It has to be 36 cm long by 18 cm high, then we fold it in half to form the card. We will also cut out a 15 x 15 cm rectangle of green cardboard.

Cheerful and colorful virtual card

Second step:

On the green cardboard we paint a spiral freehand. Then we cut it where we have painted the line.

Third step:

In the yellow sheet we cut a 4 cm wide strip. From it we cut out a square. First we fold it in half up.

Fourth step:

Without moving the figure, we fold in half again and to the left. Without moving it, we bend the upper right corner down. Then we rotate the figure 90° to the right.

Fifth step:

Without moving it, we place it on the table and draw one of the petals inside. We cut it out where we have drawn and then unfold it to see the flower made. We make 4 or 5 flowers.

Step Six:

Cut a 4 cm wide strip from the pink glitter card. Cut out a rectangle and fold it in half.

Seventh step:

We leave the folded part to the right and draw half of the heart. Then we cut out and observe how we have made a perfect heart. We make about 4 or 5 hearts.

Eighth step:

We glue the spiral inside the card with the silicone. We will join or glue only the ends so that the spiral remains on the fly. We take the flowers and the hearts and we will stick them in the curves of the spiral.

Nineth step:

Cut a 14 x 14 cm square from the blue glitter card. We fold it in half and draw half of the heart. It is to do the same thing that we have done with the little hearts. The idea is that we get another perfect heart. We cut where we have drawn and unfold it. We paste the heart on the main face of the card.

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