Decorative garland «Happy New Year»

Happy New Year wreath

The year is about to end, which means a new new year's eve arrives in which we will welcome the new year. The first moments of the year are always received with enthusiasm, with hopes and wishes that everything bad will be left behind and that new and better things will arrive.

To maintain that illusion, there is nothing like hosting a dinner with your subsequent festive evening on the last night of the year. And for the party to be full of joy and hope, what better way than to create some decorations to brighten up the atmosphere. This "Happy New Year" garland is easy, fast and very attractive., so you can do it in a few minutes and with the help of the children.

Garland «Happy New Year»

The materials that we are going to need are:

  • Cardboard desired color
  • Un marker pen gold or silver
  • Scissors
  • Un pencil
  • A rope
  • A punch

Step 1:

First we have to create three strips 20 centimeters wide on the cardboard. In this way we can draw the letters of the poster following the same size for all.

Step 2:

Now let's draw the lettering of happy new year poster. In each of the stripes that we have drawn we will have to paint one of the words on the poster. Make sure they are all a similar size.

Step 3:

Now let's cut out all the letters of the poster.

Step 4:

With the punch we are going to create some small holes In each letter, in the ones of May size we will make two holes through which we will place the rope.

Step 5:

With the gold marker we are going to decorate the letters once we have the rope inserted through all of them. We can make stars, polka dots, hearts or the drawing that you like the most. You can even use cardboard of different colors and make a different design in each of the letters.

Step 6:

We arrange the letters well along the rope so that they are more or less symmetrical. We hung with some pins on the wall and we already have a fun Happy New Year garland.

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