Cap with candies for Father's Day

Cap with candies for Father's Day

We love to recycle and use first hand materials. That is why we have prepared these fun caps full of charm, so you can make a special gift, for example, in the Father's Day. We take advantage of the lower part of a bottle to cut it out and make some containers full of candies. From here, we will make the shape of the visors with the eva gum, we will place some strips of cardboard with glitter and we will already have something that is spectacular.

The materials that have been used for two caps:

  • 2 large bottles to recycle plastic.
  • Red and blue eva foam.
  • Blue and black glitter card stock.
  • 1 large blue pom pom and 1 large red pom pom.
  • Candies to fill.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.
  • A pen.
  • Scissors.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We take the plastic bottles and cut the lower part, making it look like a container.

Cap full of candy for Father's Day

Second step:

We place the plastic container on one of the eva rubbers and with the help of a pencil we make the shape of the visor. We cut it out.

Third step:

Fill the containers with the candies. We put the hot silicone on the edge of the cutouts of the visor, we will only do it in the part where the plastic will be placed. Quickly and without letting it dry we glue it to the containers.

Cap full of candy for Father's Day

Fourth step:

We cut out two strips of cardboard with glitter by hand, we glued it on the top of the cap, forming a cross. On top and in the central part we glue a pompom. Finally we paint the edges of the visor with a marker, red or blue, depending on the color of the eva foam.

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