Soon it will draw near halloween and with him all the young and old will begin to search costumes, accessories and styles to decorate the house on this special day for the deceased. This original American holiday has spread throughout the world causing great children's and youth parties.
Thus, so that both girls and young women look beautiful in their Halloween parties we present this craft where you can make a special headdress for this holiday. In this way, we will create a cool hair accessory very in keeping with the date.
- Pliers.
- White floral cord.
Arrange 3 floral wires between each other to create a firm center to form the typical spider web, wrap them around each other so that they are all together.
Then, we will take another wire and place it a few centimeters below the central node fixing it well with a couple of turns to one of the wires previously placed and tightening them with the pliers. We will pass this wire around each wire radius.
We will repeat this same operation at least three or four times depending on who it is for (head width.
Then, we will fold each end of the different endings With the pliers and we will cut the excess to round the tips, so we are not in danger of hurting our faces.
We will shape with the same head of the person and we will hold the hair with hairpins. Clever! we already have a wonderful headdress for halloween.