We make a heart of branches for Valentine's Day (very easy)

Rustic crafts to decorate the house

Yes, I admit it, I have a persistent inclination to everything that is natural and can bring warmth to the home. And now that Valentine's Day is approaching, in order not to fail in my tradition, I want to surprise my partner with a heart made of tree branches. And if it can be hung, all the better.

So without further ado, what was said. I'm going to show you step by step how to make this rustic heart. I hope you like it!

crafts with tree branches


  • Pruning shears (or anything to cut)
  • Branches (if possible of the same style)
  • Brush
  • White wood glue


how to make a heart out of branches

  1. Cut branches and trace the shape of a heart. It does not have to be exact on the outside, but the inside. The part inside is what we care about if it is well traced.
  2. After gluing the logs with the help of the brush, start with another same exterior silhouette. I have helped myself with twigs, so that the external part does not «dance» a lot.

crafts for valentine

  1. As you trace the silhouette, keep adding twigs and gluing them together. Silicone can be used instead of glue, although for my taste, I like the finish of the glue which is finer.
  2. Once the silhouette is complete, let it sit so it sticks well.
  3. Complete all around with the sticks, somewhat irregularly. If it were too perfect, then any imperfections would look bad, and we go after that signature rustic touch. Then, let it dry as long as it takes until the glue is very dry.

Easy Valentine's Day craft

  1. Turn it over, and continue putting the missing clubs on the other side.
  2. And at this point you are done! Let it dry well and that's it. You can support it somewhere or hang it with some fishing line like I did or similar.

I have nothing left but to wish you a happy Valentine's Day! And what a very special day!

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