For those who love recycling here we have an original way of recycle a cd. If we have wool and marking pens we can make a pendant with a hippie style, very fun and colorful. It is a simple and easy task for the smallest of the house to learn to knit with wool and thus enjoy concentration and patience.
The materials I have used for a pendant:
- 1 CD or DVD disc
- Fine colored wool
- A thick needle to be able to use the wool between the threads
- Large colored beads
- Colored marking pens
- Scissors
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We take the record and start marking the parts where the threads of the wool will pass through. I have started by marking the points in the form of + and in each angle that has been formed I have made three other brands.
Second step:
We pass the wool into the hole in the middle of the disk and the outer part of the disk. First we go around one of the marked points and we make a knot. Then we will go through each round for each marked point. At the end of all the stitches we tie again, tightening the threads well so that don't get relaxed.
Third step:
We started passing the wool between the threads that we have formed. The first round will be forming at the bottom, in the part of the hole. We knot before we start and we will take a lot of wool to cover the turns that we want to form. We thread the wool on the needle and begin to sew by passing the wool under a thread and then over, under and over… so on until the round is completed. And we will start again until we form all the laps that are necessary, or until the color of the first wool runs out.
Fourth step:
We take another piece of wool of a different color and we start again as in the previous step. We make a first knot to fix it and we start putting the wool between the threads, one above and one below, until we complete the round.
Fifth step:
This step is to observe that I have used another color of wool and I have followed the steps above.
Step Six:
I've picked pieces of wool to hang them in several points of the wool that I marked. We knot and let it fall to a height of approximately 10 cm. We will put some beads in each yarn that hangs so that our mobile or pendant is decorated.
Seventh step:
We take a marking pen of the color we want and we will draw small shapes that will decorate the album. Finally we take a piece of wool that we will place on top of the CD so that the structure can be hung.