How to make a photo album out of ice cream sticks

In this tutorial let's do a Photo album using icecream sticks, flat wooden sticks or also known as pole sticks.


To make the Photo album you will need the following materials:

  • Natural / colored wood sticks
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • White glue
  • Adhesive figures

Step by step

Place 8 sticks side by side in vertical. Stick a stick in horizontal on that row at the bottom, and another the same but at the top. In this way you will join all the sticks.

Cut a strip of cardboard a little more narrow than the set of sticks. You can fold it as a accordion and that the album is fully open and unfolding. Or you can cut and fold several strips of construction paper in half into the shape of a book. Glue the set of sticks on the first sheet with white glue and the same on the last.

With letters y adhesive figures decorate the album easily. You can do it inside and out.

Help yourself with glue points, white glue or glue stick to stick the photos in a simple way, and with stickers create fun compositions on each page.

These albums They are great to do with children, because they are easy to do and develop the creativity. As you have natural sticks y colored sticks, you can make different designs and compositions. The album of natural sticks is more simple and serious, for adults or older children it can be perfect. How can you decorate it with adhesives or any ornament, that will be the touch of color and the personal touch that you can give to this type of album.

The other design is more Infant. It is perfect to do in the school after a trip to the zoo. In the album they can paste the photos of the animals they have seen and thus remember their adventure. You have thousands of themes and thousands of designs.

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