Eva or foamy rubber roses

eva or foamy rubber roses

The roses they have always been considered a detail associated with love and friendship, depending on the color chosen. They are a great option for gift of Valentine's Day! or for someone very special.

In this post I am going to teach you how to make these roses made of eva or foam rubberand (it depends on the country where you live) in a simple and very fast way.

The result is spectacular and you can design your own colors to adapt them to your decoration or to the taste of the person to whom you are going to give it.

Materials to make the eva rubber roses


  • Colored eva rubber
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Green pipe cleaners


  1. Cut out strips of eva rubber of approximately 30 x 4 cm in the colors of the chosen rose.

how to make rubber roses eva1

2. With the help of the scissors, cut the entire rubber strip in waves. It does not have to be perfect, but it is interesting that each wave is of different height so that the rose is beautiful later.

eva2 rubber roses process

3. Roll up the strip that results from the previous operation and put a little glue at the beginning and at the end to close the flower. how to make rubber roses eva3

4. Glue a green pipe cleaner cut in half to the inside.

how to make eva rubber roses

5. With the eva rubber hole punch, form some leaves and glue them to the bottom of the flower.

how to make eva rubber roses

We're done !! As you can see, the process is quite simple and they are very nice to decorate a gift, card, box or whatever comes to mind. If you want to make bigger roses, you can simply make the strips longer or glue several together. You can also give it a touch of color with a permanent marker and thus design different flowers. It is a matter of letting your imagination fly.

eva or foamy rubber roses

See you in the next tutorial.


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