How to make hippie style earrings


How was your weekend? Have you done a lot of crafts? We at ManualidadesOn have made a few crafts that we will tell you throughout the week.

In this post, we will show you how to make a couple of fantastic hippie style earrings with feathers and beads.


  • Fountain Pens
  • Earring base
  • Glue
  • Tape
  • Beads
  • Permanent marker
  • Tongs


pending earrings

We will cut the ring from the base of the earring and later hooked directly to the feathers. Later we will paint the feathers with a permanent silver marker to give the pens a bit of shine and stiffness.

Once the feathers are dry, We will hook the bases of the earrings to the feathers with a bead in the center.

pending earrings

Another option to create a hippie feather earrings is, by cutting the bases of the earrings in the same way, is by making a loop with a ribbon and placing it at the base of the earring. Then, we will add glue to add the feathers and as a finale, we can put a bead on the bow.

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