Puzzle with ice cream sticks


Children love games belonging to their favorite tv series. One of these series is the famous little pig Pepa Pig who, in the company of her brother, makes a thousand and one mischief. These types of games are great for giving kids educational fun.

The puzzle are great for children as they encourage their imagination and concentration skills. So today we show you the realization of one but with a few simple popsicle sticks.


  • Popsicle sticks.
  • Pepa pig sticker book.
  • Cutter.
  • Brush.
  • Glue glue.
  • Scotch tape.


  1. Crop the image desired for the puzzle.
  2. Line up all the sticks and stick them together with masking tape.
  3. Paste the image on the other hand so that it is well centered.
  4. Cut off the excess.
  5. Let dry.
  6. We fold each stick and make incisions with the cutter to separate from the sticks.

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