These jewelery boxes They are ideal for a gift or to store your own pieces of jewelry in a place that you can have on hand and they are very easy to make.
-100 gr of shellac flakes mixed with 500 cc of ethyl alcohol
-Cardboard of 80 by 20 cm, 1mm thick
-Cardboard of 50 by 30 cm, 3mm thick
-Cutter or scissors
-Contact cement
-Tape number 320
-2 sheets of blue tissue paper
-Decorations to your liking
Step 1::
With the 3mm thick cardboard, elaborate the design of the base using a ruler and pencil, then cut with the cutter or scissors and repeat the process with the lid of the box (remember to leave an extra 6mm for the lid with respect to the measurement of the base)
Step 2::
Cut two strips of the 1mm cardboard taking into account that the length is the size of your chest and the width the height of it.
Step 3::
Place the first strip around the oval base that you made before and join with the contact cement at its ends, now you must superimpose the second strip on the first that you already placed.
Step 4::
Now you need to cut 2 narrower strips for the edge of your chest lid, overlap the lid and apply the contact cement.
Step 5::
Sand and seal the two resulting pieces (lid and chest) with your spray rubber to give it greater rigidity.
Step 6::
Line the chest and lid with the blue tissue paper and apply any decorations you want.
Step 7::
Apply a layer of matte varnish to your chest that will bind the cardboard and tissue paper together giving it a better finish.
Photos: the handcrafts