Keep pencils in the shape of a Christmas tree

This craft is ideal to do with children who know how to cut, from the age of 5 it is perfect. It is a very simple craft to do and also practical, so the boys and girls will make a pencil or pen holder (one per craft) that will be the most Christmassy.

Do not miss this ideal craft for this Christmas season and also great to do with children. It is very easy and you can do it in a few minutes, and with few materials!

What do you need for the craft

  • 1 sheet of green felt
  • 1 pencil or marker
  • 1 red bow
  • 1 self-adhesive felt star
  • 1 pencil or pen to put on the craft
  • 1 scissors

How to make the craft

This craft is very simple. First you will have to draw the shape of the tree on the felt sheet as you see in the image. The size will depend on the size of the pen or pencil you want to use with this craft. Then you will have to cut it out with the scissors. Once you have the tree trimmed, make three different lines that will be where the pencil or pen will go. Look at how the lines are in the image to make it look similar.

Once you have the three lines you will have to trim them. Then take the self-adhesive felt star and place it in the highest area of ​​the tree as a decorative star. Once you get to this point, put the pencil or pen as you see in the image.

Lastly, Take the red bow and make a bow at the end of the pencil or pen as you see in the image.

It will be very well decorated and the craft will already be finished. As you have seen, it is an easy craft that looks great for these Christmas dates.

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