Last minute gift for Father's Day in just three steps.

I come to show you a last minute gift for father's day. If you did not remember that it is going to be Father's Day, or maybe you are like me who leave everything to the last minute, this idea will be great for you.

It is a quick, simple, inexpensive gift: that in just three steps you will have it ready. There are times when we don't know what to give, and maybe it's as simple as giving a little time to him with a beer, Coke or whatever drink he likes the most ... some peanuts and the game or the TV movie ... Keep reading that I show you how to do it.


  • Printer.
  • DinA4 white cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Tape or tape to stick.
  • Drink bottle.

Process to make this gift:

It's about finding the moment to give him a little time for himself, and for this we are going to give it the funny note by placing a tie to your favorite beer or beverage.

We need only a few minutes to make this gift since done in three easy steps and fast, which you can also do with children. I show you below:

  1. Download the template that you have at the end of the post. Print in folio sizeIf it is in cardboard much better because it is with more body, if you do not have it at that time you can do it in a normal sheet.
  2. I leave you three different examples of ties, cut out the model that you like the most. Follow the line of the flap that will help you attach it to the neck of the bottle.
  3. Then place the tie and fixed to the bottle the flap with the zeal.

Ready! the gift for dad made: a tie for your favorite drink. Now it's your turn to find the moment and have a good time! I'm sure they will appreciate it.

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