Last minute gift idea for mother's day

bracelet (Copy)

Do you want to give something made by yourself on Mother's Day but you no longer have time to prepare a great DIY? Well, here we leave you an idea to make one boho style string bracelet fun and very simple to give as a gift and that in addition to being simple is beautiful and inexpensive.

In this little tutorial, you will find a fantastic way to make a simple and very wearable bracelet. Perfect for mothers who are a bit hippie. We hope you like it and that you enjoy the tutorial.


  1. Cord of any kind, mouse tail, sailor cord, silk cord, etc.
  2. The pair of scissors.
  3. Glue super glue.
  4. Sequin tapes in a color that contrasts with the cord.
  5. Metal closure magnet.

Process bracelet1 (Copy)

Cut the cord to the measurement of the wrist and we will glue one of the two ends to the closure of the bracelet. We will also glue the sequin cord in this part of the closure, but without cutting it, since we will use it to wrap it around the cord.

bracelet2 (Copy)

Once it is dry, we will glue the other end of the cord to the other end of the closure. Then, we will simply turn the lace with the sequin ribbon and glue it on the closure and cut the excess.

We hope you liked this last minute idea to give away on Mother's Day and, above all, that you have found it useful.

Greetings and, as always Until the next DIY!

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