This lightweight felt pencil case is ideal to carry in your school backpack or to keep colored pencils well organized on the desk. It is so tight that it hardly takes up space and the result is so beautiful that children will want to have them in different colors and sizes.
To have more versions of this cute and practical felt case, just use a larger sheet of felt and create more openings to store pencils, markers and children's supplies. Even, it is so easy to do that they can help you to create your cases for creative materials.
Felt case
With the size chosen for the felt sheet, you get a case for 12 pencils. These are the materials that we will need.
- A sheet of felt fabric
- A ruler
- A piece of Elastic cord
- Pencil
- A cutter or sharp pointed scissors
- A button great
Step by step
First we are going to take some measurements on the sheet to create the felt case. Need 20 centimeters wide by 30 long. We cut with sharp scissors.
On the width side we do marks at 4 centimeters each, we will get 4 marks. We do the same on both sides for the wide part.
Now we place the felt horizontally, 3 centimeters from the edge we begin to mark the holes where the paintings will be placed. Each mark should measure 1,5 centimeters and between each one we will leave 0,5 centimeters.
With a cutter we open all the brands that we have made on the felt, you can also use scissors with a sharp tip.
We pass the elastic cord through the holes of the button and we knot on the inside so that it does not come off.
With the pencil we mark the place where the button will go, cut with the tip of the scissors and introduce the elastic cord. The button should be on the outside.
We already have the case and there is only place the colored pencils each in its place .
And voila, there is only roll the sheet of fabric on itself, we put the rope around and knot on the button to have the pencils well stored and organized.