Angels with ice cream sticks, precious to decorate the windows

angels with popsicle sticks

The little angels are an accessory or typical Christmas ornament. These usually crown or border the Christmas tree, or also fly through the windows of the houses. However, these angels, in the market they are quite expensive, so today we give you a much cheaper idea.

In this case, we have used icecream sticks, so I always tell you that recycling is very much for making new crafts, since with old things we can make innovations.


  • Tempera.
  • Tail.
  • Glitter or gold glitter.
  • Glue gun.
  • Icecream sticks.
  • Worn nail files.
  • Wooden beads.
  • Pencil and eraser.
  • Fine tip pen.
  • Plain cardboard cutouts.
  • Golden threads.


  1. Remove sandpaper from files, to leave only the cardboard.
  2. Cut the narrowest popsicle sticks to be the arms and legs of the little angels.
  3. Cut one of the rounded parts of the limes, with a certain angle, to be the shoulders.
  4. Cut small cardboard stars and wings, apply glue and pour glitter.
  5. Paint the 3 sticks White color. Then join it together.
  6. Paint the face, hands and feet in skin color.
  7. Decorate the cheeks and eyes Of the face.
  8. Place the bead and the bow threading the Golden thread. Then all the pieces of the angel.
  9. Finally, place gold threads for the halo and the little girl holds in her hands.

More information - Christmas decoration with wine corks 2

Source - Vctry's 

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