Make a DIY necklace in less than five minutes


Finally it's Friday! After a long and hot week, I'm sure all of you are grateful that the weekend finally arrives to relax and distract yourself. And we, from crafts ON We will propose the sea of ​​fantastic tutorials for you to develop your creativity and relax.

Tutorials like this one, aimed at girls, I'm sure you love necklaces and more in summer that you can wear much more, that's why, today's tutorial is focused on making a flattering collar in less than five minutes. Yes, yes, as you have read, in less than five minutes!


  • Five pieces of glass or stone shaped like a teardrop.
  • 8 mm balls made of glass or stone.
  • Two 4 mm balls made of glass or stone.
  • Miyuki. 
  • Fishing line. 
  • Two rings and a clasp. 
  • Scissors.


necklace1 (Copy)

necklace2 (Copy)

To begin we will choose the material that we will use to make the necklace, once we have chosen the pieces and the colors we will proceed to assemble it. The idea of ​​this necklace is to highlight the five teardrop-shaped piecesFor this reason, we have chosen crystals of light tones to accompany them and a nude colored miyuki.

We will cut a piece of fishing line and place the teardrop pieces in a geometrical way, interspersing 8 mm balls. On both ends, so that the jump from the 8 mm ball to the miyuki is not so exaggerated, we will put some 4 mm balls.

Then we will fill the rest of the necklace thread with miyuki until we reach the top of the start we want.

necklace3 (Copy)

Finally, We will only have to place the rings and the closure. To do this, it will be enough for us to tie the rings tightly to the fishing line. If we are not sure if it is strong enough, we can always put a drop of superglue to make it last longer.

Until the next DIY! And if you liked it, share and comment.

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