Here is an original way to enjoy a very pleasant time with children. You can take advantage of the tube of the famous Pringles potatoes to make a fantastic kaleidoscope. The truth is that the tube is very well made to be used as a first use, so we can always look for recycling alternatives to all these objects to ingeniously make some fun toy.
It is an easy and fast craft, and also the materials are very practical and easy to find. If you cannot find any of the materials, you can always ingeniously substitute one of them.
You can see the step by step of this tutorial in the following video:
These are the materials that I have used:
- A pot of Pringles
- A thin cardboard
- A hot glue gun and their respective silicones
- Scissors
- A pencil
- A rule
- A marker
- A piece of rigid, clear plastic
- Decorative paper to line the tube
- Beads, pebbles, star-shaped glitter ...
First step:
We measure with rule one imaginary edge in the circle that marks the boat. It will help us to do the sides of the prism that will go inside the tube. In my case it marks about 6cm. We will mark these centimeters on the cardboard that we will use to make said prism. We will mark three side columns with pencil and the help of the ruler, to later make the fold for said marked part.
Second step:
Once the three columns are marked, we are going to measure its length. We put the boat on the side and mark the entire length of the tube less 1,5cm less. This space will be to later place the beads that we will introduce. We cut out the marked part of the length y we fold the cardboard by the lines marked with the pencil.
Third step:
The cds will help us to make the mirror effect that will go inside the tube. With scissors we can make cuts that will fit into the cardboard columns. With hot silicone we will glue these pieces on said sides.
Fourth step:
Now we can make the pyramid shape. We will glue its ends With the hot silicone and until it dries we can reinforce its union with adhesive tape. We check that fits perfectly inside the tube.
Fifth step:
In a piece of clear plastic and stiff We mark the circular mean of the tube with a marker. This circle is the one that will go inside the tube and on top of the prism structure. Therefore, when cutting it we must make it a little smaller so that it can fit inside perfectly. At one end of the premium we add silicone to be able to glue the plastic circle.
Step Six:
We introduce the entire structure inside. We seal the plastic around it with silicone and the tube walls. We will do this so that when we throw in all the small decorative objects they do not slip through us. no gap.
Seventh step:
We introduce decorative objects and we cover with the same tube cover.
Eighth step:
We decorate the tube with decorative paper. To stick it I have continued using the same hot silicone. In the metallic part of the tube and where we will visualize the fantasy of the kaleidoscope I have made a central hole with a star tip screwdriver and round and with the help of some small blows with a hammer. If by chance you wore the metallic cover printed letters you can erase them with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.