Bookmark Spiderman Pages

This craft is ideal for young readers who also love superheroes, in this case, Spiderman. This is an easy-to-make bookmark where children can express their creativity and use it with pride in the books they are currently reading.

We have made Spiderman, but if your child or the children with whom you are going to do the craft have different tastes, you can adapt the craft to the interests of the little one. Don't miss out on how this easy craft is made!

What materials do you need

  • 1 yellow polo stick
  • 1 piece of red eva rubber
  • 1 bit of white eva rubber
  • 1 black marker
  • Special glue for eva rubber
  • 1 scissors

How to make the craft

To do this craft does not need too much time or skills, but if you are going to do it with younger children, they will need your guidance and guidance to perform the steps. To start, draw the shape of Spiderman's head on the red foam rubber and cut it out. Then with the marker, make the characteristic lines of the Spiderman mask and draw the eyes.

Then, with the white foam rubber, cut out two small ovals to put inside the painted eyes. Stick them with the special glue for eva rubber. Later, With the same glue, stick the head on the pole stick, as you see in the image.

Once this is done, the ideal to make it even more personalized is to put a phrase that encourages reading on the pole. You can do it with the same black marker or with any other colored marker that you like. The phrase you see in the image is just an example, you just have to find another one that you like or if you like that one, you can put the same one! Once all this is done you will have the Spiderman bookmark.

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