Maze box to do with children

This craft is simple and children love to make it and play with it later. The materials that are needed are very easy to get and also, if you are missing any you can get it quickly without problems. Young children can participate in its construction with an adult guide, but children over 6 years old can do it following instructions.

Do not miss this craft that all the children in the house will love and that in addition to being simple to do, when it is finished and the children can play, They will have a good time entertained!

What do you need for the craft

  • 1 carton
  • 1 scissors
  • 1 pack of colored straws
  • 1 bottle of white glue
  • 1 marble
  • Colored self-adhesive stars

How to make the craft

First you will have to prepare the cardboard box and cut the excess cardboard parts so that there is only one base, as you see in the image. Then cut the straws of different sizes to be able to do the mazes with them. You can follow the model you see in the images to make the maze, although of course, You can also use your imagination and creativity to make new mazes and make the game more fun.

Once you have thought about what the mazes will be like, proceed to glue the straws with white glue and let it dry. Then, once the straws are well glued in the box with the white glue, take a marble that is not very big to start playing.

In the pictures, you can see different colored sticky stars stuck in different parts of the maze. Children can invent their own rules such as that one star is the starting point, that you have to go through all the ones that are set without going off the edges and reaching the star at the other end of the box, for example.. It is fun!

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