Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see how make a fun game: the memory game. With this game we can spend many fun moments both in company and alone.
Do you want to see how you can make this game?
Materials that we will need to make our memory game
- Cardboard, eva rubber or some type of material that is somewhat thick and that allows it to be cut easily.
- Scissors
- Permanent markers
- A bag or something to hold the chips.
Hands on craft
- The first thing we are going to do is cut as many squares as we want as long as when we put them together they form a large square. That is, we can cut 9 squares, 16 or 36, to give you some examples.
- Once we have the squares cut out, we are going to paint motifs that are similar on one side In all of them, such as points, stripes or you can also paint them completely or leave them in the color that the base of the squares has.
- On the other hand we are going to make geometric figures such as triangles, squares, stars, circles, etc. The idea is that they can be in pairs (if we have an even number of squares) or in trios (if we have an odd number. Once we are clear about the figures we need and if they will be in pairs or trios, we will begin to paint that face of the chips.
- When we have all the chips It only remains to put them with the face of the figures down and begin to discover them one by one. If we find a couple or threesome, we will leave it face up. We will continue like this until all the figures are completed.
- Once we're not playing we will keep all the chips in a bag that we have chosen so that we do not lose any of the chips.
And ready! We can start playing now.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.