Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see two options to make mexican skulls to celebrate the day of the dead.
Do you want to know what these two options are?
What are Mexican skulls?
The catrinas or Mexican skulls, which already have more than 100 years of tradition, are made with cane sugar or with clay, depending on the use that they are going to give them. These skulls They serve to remember the dead without sadness, that is why they are always represented with a smile. They are also a way of representing death in a kinder way ... because death is not to be feared as it is the only truly safe thing we have in life.
Mexican skull number option 1: Mexican eva rubber skulls
In this first option we have the creation of catrinas with eva rubber, it is a very simple way to follow this Mexican tradition, which is becoming more and more known throughout the world.
You can see how to do the step by step of this craft by following the link below: Mexican skulls to celebrate the Day of the Dead or Halloween
Mexican skull number option 2: Mexican or catrina skull masks.
With this second option, in addition to making the masks, we can use them on the Day of the Dead to celebrate this holiday. We can also put a rubber band so that it is tied on the head instead of putting a stick that we will have to hold for as long as we have them on.
You can see how to do the step by step of this craft by following the link below: Mexican skull masks
And ready! We can already celebrate the day of the dead by making and using these masks, another option is to make sweet masks to drink that night.
I hope you cheer up and do some of these crafts.