Mobile cover with EVA rubber: a starry night

starry night phone case

The mobile case that we are going to make today we have called "a starry night" because we wanted to capture a black background like the night and the colored stars to symbolize the beautiful stars that can be seen in the darkness of the sky.

It is a very easy and quick craft to do, but it is best done with older children because it requires skill to cut and use glue. If you want to do it with young children, they should be supervised at all times.

What do you need for the craft

starry night phone case

  • 1 black EVA rubber sheet
  • Various colored sheets of self-adhesive EVA rubber to make the stars, or self-adhesive EVA stars
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 eraser
  • 1 scissors

How to make the craft

Draw the necessary outline so that it can be used for your mobile phone case, so you will have to leave a couple of centimeters more on each side of the case so that your phone fits well inside later. Draw two exactly the same parts since one will be for the front and the other will be the back.

starry night phone case

When you have the two parts well trimmed, put special glue for EVA rubber (better if it is extra strong) and paste it by the areas you see in the image. Once it is well glued and dry, glue the stars that you have in front and behind (or only in front or only behind, depending on what you want).

You already have your EVA rubber mobile case “a starry night” ready! Remember that before putting the mobile inside the case, the glue must be completely dry so that it does not open.

starry night phone case

If you want to reinforce it, you can put staples on the sides so that it is even more difficult for it to open on the sides and therefore, you can use it without fear of breaking.

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