Mobile greeting card

Hello! In this craft we are going to make a mobile greeting card. It is an original card with an element that turns when the card is opened.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our mobile greeting card

  • Colored cards
  • Gift paper with the design that we like the most. I have chosen a Christmas design
  • A finite string. The finer the better it will work.
  • Double-sided glue or tape
  • An object that can be used to make a circle
  • Scissors

Hands on craft

You can see how to make this craft in the following video:

  1. We cut out a rectangle in a cardboard of a color that we like and that it sticks with the decorated paper chosen one. We fold in half and we already have the base of our card.
  2. On one side of this card we are going to make a hole following the outline of a round piece like a glass. And we cut. We reserve this piece for later.
  3. We cut out a rectangle of decorated paper Make it larger than the size of the cardboard folded. We fold the ends of the paper towards the back to get a better effect and we repeat the same circle in the center. 
  4. With cardboard of another color we are going to make two equal figures. It can be a star, a heart ... depending on when or for whom you are making the card. In my case I have chosen to make a Christmas tree. The figures must be smaller than the circle size that we have done in the previous two pieces. Once the two pieces are cut we can decorate them if we want and We glue them together putting the string in the middle.
  5. We take the piece of cardboard and glue the figure around the ends of the string with a little ribbon. We will make sure that the figure is centered on the circle.
  6. We glue the decorated paper on top that will cover the ends of the strings.

And ready! It only remains to turn the figure several times and carefully close the card. When they open it, the figure will spin.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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