Monster with egg cups

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to see how make this funny monster with egg cartons. It is a perfect craft to do with the little ones in the house and then play with the monsters we have made.

Do you want to know how you can do it?

Materials that we will need to make our monster with an egg cup

  • Carton of an egg cup
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Cutter
  • Marker of the color that we like the most to paint the monster's body
  • Craft eyes, all you want

Hands on craft

  1. The first thing we are going to do is trim the hole in the egg cups to obtain two equal parts that will form the body of the monster. We will try to make the cut as straight as possible so that later we can glue the two parts without problem. If it is still difficult for us to glue them, we can always make some tabs with cardboard to join the two parts on the inside and give more support.
  2. We paint the outside of the egg cups. You can paint each part of a color or just paint one of the parts.

  1. With cardboard we will make the details of the monster, such as: fangs, hair, or whatever we want. In this case we are going to stick some fangs in the egg cup that will be the inside of the monster. To add hair we can also use frayed wool.
  2. Last we will glue the two parts of the egg cup and add an eye or all you want. We can also use eyes of different sizes to give it a more different touch.

  1. The good part is that we can customize our monster all we want. Thus, we can create as many monsters as we want. Different colors, different details regarding teeth, eyes, hair, etc.

And ready! We already have our monster made and ready to play with it.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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