These musical anklets are very cheerful and fun. With a little eva rubber we can make amazing musical instruments for all kids to have fun. Although the demonstration of this craft is an anklet for girls, it can be made any color you want and that they are for all genders, sexes and ages. The beads and ornaments can also be on your own request. In my case I have used stars and bells, that if at least they have to make noise so that you can play with them.
The materials that I have used for the anklets:
- Pink eva rubber
- Star-shaped plastic beads, with a black hole to sew them (multi-colored and silver)
- Small colored jingle bells
- Large colored jingle bells
- Plastic clasps
- A needle
- Silk thread
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Hot silicone and her gun
- Ruler
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We catch the eva rubber and we measure the width we need from the ankle to the instep of the foot. And we also put the measurement of the entire width of the ankle of the boy or girl. We mark it with a pencil and cut it out.
Second step:
We pass the thread at one end and tie a knot so that it stay attached and don't go over. We can start putting in the beads and bells. We are alternating them in colors and sizes.
Third step:
As we can see we place the beads and bells across the upper line of the anklet. We must not forget to place the large bells. Finally and to close, we tie a knot at the back of the anklet so that the thread remains fixed.
Fourth step:
We stretch the anklet and do the parallel and transversal cuts so that it takes on the pretty Indian shape with the fringes. We take the plastic brackets and place them at the ends, if by chance we find it difficult to tighten them we can glue them with a little hot silicone.