Good morning, we come with another craft, in this case the we are going to do it with the children, and I assure you that they will love it !!! let's see how to make some notebooks for children.
That children like to draw is clear, they can stick with their pencils and colors in front of a paper for a long time, but that they can make their own notebook to keep their drawings and memories, you cannot imagine how they like it. So We are going to see the step by step so that they can make their notebooks, in an easy way:
- 6 sheets.
- 1 folio-size card.
- Mouse tail bead.
- Scissors.
- Ball or trinket.
- Take bites.
- Pencil.
- Ruler.
- Stickers
- Markers.
The first thing is to make the structure of the notebook:
- The folios we fold them in half one by one and we unite them all. So that they are well folded we can use the folder or we can help ourselves with the tip of the scissors.
- We are going to make two marks on the back of the leaves. We are going to make the marks at a distance of about five centimeters from the two edges of the sheet. We do the same with the cardboard.
- We will make a notch with the punch on the brand we just made. If we do not have a punch, we can do it with an awl or scissors. It involves making a small hole in the spine.
Next we are going to bind:
- We place the sheets inside the cardboard. We cut about forty centimeters of the mouse tail cord. We introduce it from the part of the folios outwards through one of the holes.
- We repeat the same with the other end of the cord.
- We tie a knot at one end so that the interior structure does not move.
- We introduce the ball, finish with a knot and cut the excess of the cord.
Now is the most fun. Decorate the notebook to our liking, placing stickers, posters, letting your imagination fly.
As you can see, depending on the colors and decoration used, it will fit in one way or another, to the liking of the little ones who have done the whole process and the result has been fantastic.