Open paper flowers

paper flowers

The flowers are something very colorful and precious that serve as a gift or to decorate any party. That is why today I present these open flowers made with paper, so that you have an easy and quick idea of ​​decorating your venue.

The flowers Natural ones are also even more precious, but they need a lot of care that these paper flowers don't need, so opt for them and will serve for more occasions.


  • Folios or colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Stapler and staples.
  • Glue.


First, we will take the colored paper. We can use folios, colored cardboard or tissue paper, patent leather, etc. With it, we will fold it and cut it in half, so that we get medium-sized flowers. We will then take this half and go bending little by little into small elongated rectangles, ending up by making a kind of fan or accordion.

paper flowers

Then, we will staple with the stapler right in the middle of the rectangle, so that the flowers are totally unified.

paper flowers

Then we will fold it in half and we will trim the ends, so that later when you open them they are even more beautiful and original.

paper flowers

Finally, we open the flower completely and join with glue both ends. In this way, they will remain fully open and fixed.

More information - Simple roses with paper, great for decorating

Source - Grow up dreaming

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      Danna simon said

    These giant paper flowers are very simple to make, we only need tissue paper. We cut large petals of three different sizes and we join them at the tip, wrinkling them as if we were making a bouquet, starting from the smallest to the largest. When we have the flower of the desired size, we fix it with zeal and we open the petals so that the flower is open. We glue a piece of tissue paper of another color well wrinkled in the center to make the center of the flower, and that's it! In the link below the image you can see the photographs of the step by step.