Orange cat made with cardboard

Orange cat made with cardboard

This little cat she is a real cutie. We can do this craft with cardboard and with a few pieces of pipe cleaners. Following the steps will be a small easy and decisive job that you can do with the little ones in the house. This craft is made with hot silicone so that its pieces stick faster. Therefore, it can become a bit dangerous due to the heat it takes and burns children's fingers. To do this, you can substitute a glue suitable for crafts and hold the pieces with something so that they can be glued more slowly. If you have doubts about his steps, you have a demonstrative video so you do not lose detail.

The materials that I have used for the kitten:

  • Orange cardboard with an intense color.
  • A piece of slightly lighter orange cardboard and white.
  • A strip of orange pipe cleaners.
  • Two plastic eyes for crafts.
  • Hot silicone and your gun, or failing that, some kind of special glue for crafts.
  • Black marker.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We prepare the dark orange cardboard and with the help of the ruler we draw a rectangle of 8 x 21 cm. We cut it out and wrap it to form a wide cylinder. We glue its sides with hot silicone.

Second step:

We place the light orange cardstock on the cylinder and calculate how big to draw the cat muzzle, we will do it freehand. We cut it out and glue it. In the same way we will draw a small white circle, We will cut it out and paste it.

Third step:

With the help of a black marker we draw the eyes and eyebrows. We will also paint whiskers and side stripes They will be in the shape of triangles.

Fourth step:

We cut out a long strip to make the cat's tail, about 12 cm. We cut the end of the tail so that it is pointed. With the black marker we paint some broad stripes along tail, on both sides of the cardboard. We glue the tail behind the cat's body leaving the rest in front.

Fifth step:

Take the pipe cleaner and cut two pieces to make the ears We'll have them take two triangular shapes and glue them to the top and inside of the tube. Take another two pieces of pipe cleaner and twist them to make two balls We will stick them on the lower part of the cat to simulate the legs. And just like that we will have this cute kitten.

Orange cat made with cardboard

Box with toys for the cat
Related article:
Box with toys for the cat

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