How to paint a drawing with your fingers

In this tutorial we'll see how to paint a picture with your fingersIt is very easy and fun and with the step by step children can do it easily, you just have to think about the drawing to make, prepare the materials and enjoy creating.


  • Heavyweight, watercolor-like paper.
  • Tempera of colors.
  • Handcream.
  • Cloth or paper napkin.
  • Pencil.
  • Plastic plate.
  • Brush No. 1.


  • Prepare the paints, place around the plate the tempera colors you need to make your drawing.
  • Apply a little hand cream on top of each color.
  • Now, mix each color using your finger. (With this we achieve that the temperature is easier to apply to the support).

  • To begin with mark your pencil drawing, do it in a smooth way so that the pencil stroke is not noticeable at the end of the work.
  • Go applying the paint: As you can see in the image we only use our fingers, place the desired color on the paper by rubbing and applying.

  • You see little by little the colors melting to get others, as in this case I have applied red on one side and yellow on the other and in the center when melting them the orange color has come out.
  • Also you can make the mixture directly on the plate (palette) and then apply it to the drawing.

  • Once all the colors have been applied, let it dry.
  • With a fine brush make the outline and mark some detail to finish. (This step can be skipped depending on the drawing that is made or the age of the child doing it).

And without realizing it you will have finished your work using your fingers.

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