This paper flower is not just any flower, it is a perfect gift for a special person. It is easy to do and ideal to do with children. The ideal is to do it with children over 6 years old because it requires cutting and gluing.
As you can see, it is a very simple craft and you can do it in a short time, it does not take more than 20 minutes. And the person who gives it to them will love it because it is a most beautiful detail.
Materials you need for the craft
- 1 or 2 sheets of DINA-4 colored paper (depending on size)
- 1 scissors
- 1 glue stick
- Colored markers
How to make the craft
First you will have to draw 12 hearts of the same size. The ideal is to draw a heart, cut it out and serve as a model to draw the other hearts and make them all the same. Also draw a circle that will be the base of the flower, as you see in the images. Once you have everything drawn, cut it out.
When you have everything cut out, we will paste the petals. Fold all the petals in half. Take six hearts and glue them as you see in the image. Once they are glued to the base circle, take the rest of the petals and put the glue on it. in the fold of the paper. Once you have it, stick them only for that part as you see in the image.
When everything is glued, take colored markers and write on each petal good things about the person to whom you are going to give the flower. Thus, a personalized gift will be left full of emotion and affection.
Then take two strips of paper and roll them up as you see in the image and put it in the center of the flower. You will already have your paper flower ready to give as a gift!