Paper ghosts for Halloween


Good morning to everybody. How was the time change? He has caught us preparing little things for Halloween. Well this weekend we had the little ones of the house a little entertained with a very easy and fun craft to them.

Today we will see how to make paper ghosts for Halloween, with just two steps we will achieve a surprising effect since we will create three dimensions in a single sheet.

Materials needed to make the paper ghosts:

To make these ghosts we will only need:

  • A sheet Din A4 size blank. (You can also use cardboard, and if you want them larger it can be in Din A3 size).
  • A pencil, to mark the drawing where we will have to cut.
  • Scissors.
  • A marker black.
  • Fishing line or transparent.
  • Carpenter's tape or zeal.



The process to make the paper ghost couldn't be easier:

  1. We draw a spiral like a snail. (You can look at the photo).
  2. We will cut by the marked line.
  3. We draw a monstrous face and we paint with the marker. If you want inspiration: you can see several drawings of faces HERE. I advise you to paint the face on both sides of the sheet, so it can be seen well from all sides.
  4. We lay the thread and hang to the ceiling.


As you see, It is a very easy craft to do with children. In a little while we make four and let our imaginations fly playing with them.


In the image you can see how are they hanging from the ceiling. By having several and of different sizes we create a very fun composition. And we can decorate any corner of the house for the Hallowen party that is approaching.

I hope you liked this easy craft, that you put it into practice with the children and you already know that you can share it, like the icons at the top and comment, as we are delighted to answer your questions. See you at the next Halloween DIY.

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