Paper tree bookmark

tree paper bookmarks

The bookmarks They are a craft that we can find in a thousand different designs, which are more beautiful. Today I am going to show you how to make this one in the shape of a tree using paper clippings that I have left over from other jobs, so it is a way to reuse and recycle material from our projects.

Materials to make the bookmark

  • Decorated papers and colored cards
  • Shaped scissors
  • Glue
  • Circular objects or compass
  • Colored buttons

Procedure for making the bookmark

  • With the help of three objects or circular covers of different sizes, cut out three circles with the designs that you like the most. Mine have approximate measurements of 6, 7 and 8 centimeters respectively.
  • Glue them from largest to minus one on top of the other as the picture shows.
  • Using a piece of brown paper or cardboard, form the trunk of the tree. It is very easy and you do not need patterns, so it will be more original and if you make several they will all be different.
  • Glue the trunk to the top of the tree, which are the three paper circles.

paper bookmarks trees

  • Now comes the time to decorate our creation. I'm going to use buttons, but you can choose what you like best like pompoms, pearls or whatever you have at home. And this is our tree bookmark. As you can see, it has been super easy and very fast. You can combine the colors that you like the most and you will have real wonders.

paper bookmarks trees

These bookmarks can be used for reading but also for decorating boxes, cards or any painting for a children's room. It sure looks great and very original.

So far today's craft, I hope you liked it. See you on the next idea.


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