Image | Pixabay
Every September 21 from the year 1981, the International Day of Peace in the world since the United Nations declared this date as a commemorative day to promote the values of peace, the end of violence and fraternal ties between peoples to build a better world for future generations.
However, any occasion is a good one to teach the little ones the importance of peace so that they grow up with the values of tolerance and respect. Whether during the International Day of Peace or at any other time of the year. A hilarious way to do this is by creating Peace Day crafts.
If this year you are thinking of celebrating Peace Day with your family in an original and different way, do not miss the following fun and easy crafts with which to enjoy a pleasant time while you teach children the values of peace that are so important and necessary in these times.
origami peace dove
Image| Master Papyrus Youtube
Origami is the discipline of creating paper figures without making cuts with scissors or using glue to join its different pieces. It is a very entertaining pastime that also has several benefits such as exercising the mind, fostering the imagination and stimulating hand and eye coordination.
If you like the idea of making origami, Peace Day is also a good occasion: nothing better than trying to make a dove of peace with origami. The material you will need is very simple, just paper.
To find out how many folds you have to make and how you have to do them, you can see the entire process in the video tutorial on the Maestro Papiro channel on YouTube. You will get a popcorn as cute as this one! Of course, arm yourself with patience if it doesn't work out the first time because origami has its trick.
united hands card
Another symbol of peace and against violence is the joined hands. The idea is simple but the meaning is very beautiful: the united hands They come together to form a heart that represents friendship and love. That is why it is one of the peace crafts that you have to try to do.
The procedure for making this craft is very similar to the Hands Card for Mom or Dad craft. As materials you will need a DINA-4 size sheet of paper or cardboard of the color you prefer, scissors, a pencil and an eraser.
If you want to know how this craft is done in a few minutes, see all the details in the post Hands card for mom or dad. These joined hands are a very easy craft so you will have no problem finishing it quickly to decorate the house or a class at a school.
peace clouds
Image| Rotger Cash&Carry Youtube
Another great option to commemorate Peace Day is to make this craft that represents a great cloud from which several doves of peace and messages of friendship hang, companionship and pacifism. This craft is fantastic to decorate the children's playroom or the living room of the house.
What materials will you need to create these clouds of peace? Some black and white cardboard, white tissue paper, pencil, scissors, string, hot silicone and a stapler.
The process to make this craft is very entertaining. You can learn how to do it with the video tutorial on the Rotger Cash&Carry channel on YouTube.
multicolor peace cloud
Image| Fixo Kids
A version of the above craft is this multicolored peace cloud where instead of doves hanging from the cloud there are polychromatic strips that represent the rays of the rainbow in which different messages with good wishes are written down.
To make this beautiful craft for Peace Day you will need all these materials: A4 cardboard in different colours, markers, scissors, glue and a cloud template.
In the post DIY: Rainbows for Peace Day on the Fixo Kids website! You can find a small tutorial with images so as not to lose detail when creating this craft.
pigeon with plate
Image| Children's Crafts
The following is one of the Peace Day crafts that can be very useful if the child has to take a craft to class as homework to celebrate this date and you don't have much time to dedicate to it.
It is a popcorn, the symbol of peace par excellence, made with recyclable paper plates. You will have it ready in just a few minutes and it is so easy that even small children can do it by themselves only needing your help in a few certain steps.
The materials that you will have to collect to make the craft of the pigeon with plate They are colored markers to paint the beak and eyes, scissors, pencil and glue stick.
Do you want to know how it is done? On the Children's Crafts website you can see the entire process with images to make this fantastic craft for Peace Day.
Peace Bracelet
Image| Andujar Orientation
One of the easiest and most creative Peace Day crafts that you can do with your children is this pacifist message bracelet. Children will have fun coloring and drawing on the blank canvas that represents the bracelet.
Will you need a lot of materials to make this craft? Absolutely! The main thing is a white cardboard on which you will design the bracelet template. Also markers and colored pencils, scissors, glue stick or a stapler.
In any case, if you don't have much time, you can always find a ready-to-print bracelet model on the Internet that you like to celebrate this day.
How to make a polymer clay dove for Peace Day
The following is one of the coolest Peace Day crafts that you can prepare to celebrate it. It is a pigeon with polomeric clay very beautiful. It is ideal to make it yourself or to teach the little ones, either at home or at school. You will have a great time making this popcorn little by little!
As materials you will have to get are white, black, orange and aquamarine polymer clay. You can see the steps to follow to make this craft in the post How to make a polymer clay dove for Peace Day where you will also find a very easy tutorial with images so you don't lose detail.
This craft looks beautiful for example on a shelf in the house next to the books, on the hall table or on your nightstand. Although, of course, you can place the popcorn wherever you like or give it to a friend.
Craft for children: Dove of peace with cardboard tube
Another option that you have to make Peace Day crafts with materials that you already have at home is this bird of peace using a cardboard tube from the toilet paper roll. Very easy and cheap! In addition, it is a great opportunity to recycle materials and give them a second life.
The tools and materials that you will need to make this craft are the following, take note!: a toilet paper cardboard roll, a glue stick, a white sheet of paper, a piece of white cardboard, a pencil, an eraser and colored crayons.
If you want to learn how to do this craft in a jiffy, I recommend you read the post Craft for children: Dove of peace with cardboard tube. There you can see all the instructions for its preparation that you can teach the children later. They will love spending some time decorating this popcorn and then letting their imagination run wild playing with it!
dream catcher with peace symbol
Image| Youtube Artistic EQ
Do you like dream catchers? They are typical amulets of the Amerindian tribes that are used to protect their owner and also to help retain good dreams. So, you can celebrate Peace Day by creating a dream catcher in the shape of the symbol of peace that you can give to someone special.
What materials will you need to make this craft? Eva foam with self-adhesive glitter, a template with the symbol of peace and some feathers, colored wool, scissors, beads and glue. As you can see, you don't need too many things and with a little patience and skill, in just a few minutes you will get a most colorful and eye-catching dreamcatcher.
To learn how to make this beautiful dreamcatcher with the symbol of peace, I recommend you watch the video on the EQ Artística channel on YouTube.
What do you think of these Peace Day craft proposals? Do not hesitate and dare to do them all. You will have a lot of fun!