Pen with soda can for father's day

In this post I am going to teach you how to do this pencil to give to your father in his day. It is very easy and we can recycle soda cans to do it.

Materials to make the pen for dad

  • Can of soda
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Colored eva rubber
  • Ruler and pencil
  • Permanent markers

Procedure to make the pen for dad

  • To begin with, clean the can well of soda and dry it completely.
  • Trim the top very carefully so that you do not cut yourself, if you are small, an adult should help you.
  • Measure the height and contour of the can and cut out a eva rubber strip of those measures.
  • Line the can with the eva rubber and with the help of glue.

  • To form tie We are only going to need two pieces, as you see in the photo. Choose the color you like the most and match the color of the shirt that will be the color of the can.
  • I have chosen the pistachio green.
  • I will glue the small part on top of the large part of the tie and place a tie clip that I have made with silver colored eva rubber.
  • With a permanent marker I'm going to do the pattern of the tie, with some spirals.

  • To do shirt collar I'm going to cut a strip of eva rubber 2 cm larger than the width of the tie knot and I'm going to fold it in half.
  • I will cut out a triangle and the neck will be formed.
  • Once done, I will stick it on top of the tie very carefully.

  • To finish the pencil I'm going to make him the buttons with permanent marker on the sides of the shirt collar.
  • Now we only have to put the pencils, pens, colors, etc ...

And so far today's craft, I hope you liked it. If so, don't forget to share it with people who might find it interesting.

See you on the next idea. Bye!

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