Pen with computer diskettes

Pen with floppy disks

Floppy disks are computer elements that have been left in a drawer to be forgotten by allThese, who always kept our most important things, have now been relegated.

That is why today we take advantage of all these floppy disks to make a nice craft. A curious, beautiful and fun pencil to place in the office or as a study accessory for children.


  •  5 Floppy Disks.
  • Color paints.
  • Drill.
  • Fine point drill.
  • Flanges.


  1. Will 4 holes on each floppy disk, two at the top ends and two at the bottom.
  2. Be careful and measure well, so that when joined they are perfectly adjustable.
  3. Drill the holes with a drill and a fine point, so that the hole be discreet.
  4. We will join the 5 diskettes with flanges. We will remove the excess from these and insert the union inside, so it will not be seen.
  5. Finally, we will give you color to our pen.

More information - Recycle old floppy disks in flowerpots and notepads

Source - Miraculous computer notes

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