Plastic straws have many different uses that we can take out of them to make crafts. In addition, plastic paper rolls have many uses. A combination? A pencil made of plastic straws.
This craft is ideal both to do with children and to recycle materials that we all have at home. If you want to know how to quickly and easily make a pencil from plastic straws, I will show you how to do it!
- Chlorine plastic straws
- Scissors
- Toilet paper roll carton
- White glue
- Cut the straws at the flexible part. Then stretch the flexible part, and cut the rigid part at the end as well. Staying with the flexible part already stretched.
- Chop the flexible part of the tube.
- Leave them more or less the same measurements all, and try to combine playing a little with all the colors.
- Take the cardboard from the toilet paper roll, and start to pull with the glue or glue that you have prepared. Begin to glue the cut pieces in parallel form.
- Once you have the entire outline of the paper roll full of pieces of straws, leave it a little unfilled finish.
- Take the stiff parts that you had left over from the straws, to cut some more chunks. It does not take many, if you have many colors, you can take one of each.
- Place and glue the tubes perpendicular. As can be seen in the first image.
- If you see that with the last one you lack a little space to place it, you can tighten it, or play a little more with the separation distances to put them. Just like I did and you will see.
- And after let it dry, it will be ready to place what you need!
If you wonder what to do with the other part of the straws that you have left over, here you can see it.
Related article:
Decorative pom pom with straws (in less than 10 minutes)
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