Penguin-shaped balloon that moves and does not tip over. Great fun!

penguin shaped balloon

We love this type of crafts because they seem to have magic. Will with a balloon and pieces of cardboard the simulation of a funny animal, in this case it will be a penguin. The beauty of this craft is that we'll turn her into a toy, where when balancing the globe we will observe that it always returns to its original position. If you want to know how it is done, observe its steps and you will discover how easy it is.

The materials I have used for two crabs:

  • A black balloon.
  • a marble
  • A small gum.
  • A large white card.
  • A piece of yellow cardboard.
  • A piece of orange cardboard.
  • A black marker.
  • Cold liquid silicone or glue (do not use hot).
  • A brush.
  • A pen.
  • Scissors.
  • A compass.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We put the marble inside the globe. we let that falls to the bottom and in the center. We tie the marble with a rubber band going all the way around until you see that it stays put.

Second step:

We go around the globe and we observe how the marble has been inside. We inflate the balloon and tie it. We can move the balloon and we test it by moving it from side to side and observing how it stays fixed and upright.

penguin shaped balloon

Third step:

In the white cardboard we make a large circle that will simulate the belly of the penguin. We cut it out. We will also form two other much smaller circles What will the eyes be? We also cut them. In the yellow cardboard we will cut a yellow triangle which will be the peak.

Fourth step:

We take all the elements that we have cut out and we will paste them on the balloon. We can use any glue. In my case I have used a cold silicone, I have not used hot silicone in case it could damage the balloon. We paint the pupils black and with the marker.

Fifth step:

We paint with the pen and freehand one of the legs on the orange card. We cut it out. Once cut the we will use template to place it on the cardboard and outline its shape and make another foot exactly the same. We also cut it. We take both legs and glue them to the bottom of the balloon.

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