Portrait to give away on Father's Day

Portrait to give away on Father's Day

This craft in the form of an easel it's great to give away on Father's Day. It actually takes the form of a picture frame and is made with easy and cheap materials, such as these wooden sticks. Children can accompany you to make this craft, but I always say that the hot silicone has to be used under the supervision of an adult.

However, they can be removed by another type of glue. Then they can paint it without any difficulty and the color you want. This photo frame is a small idea, but you can always add some stickers and even glitter.

The materials that I have used for the photo frame:

  • 7 wooden sticks.
  • Scissors.
  • Hot silicone and his gun.
  • Blue acrylic paint (you can choose another color).
  • White cardboard.
  • Impression of I LOVE YOU DAD. you can print it this article .
  • A drop of acrylic paint to make a fingerprint.
  • A photo of the boy or girl.
  • Black marker.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We place three sticks in a triangular shape. You have to take the shape of the easel. We take a stick and stick it to the bottom of the easel and horizontally. With the help of hot silicone we will stick it on the two side sticks, the central stick will be loose for now.

Second step:

we pour silicone on the top edge of the stick that we have pasted horizontally. We immediately stick another stick on top so that it does of shelf

Third step:

At the top we paste another piece of stick, We measure its length and we cut what we need. We glue them and cut another stick of the same size. we pour silicone on top of stick glued and we glue the other stick, so that it also acts as a shelf.

Fourth step:

We put the last stick in the back of the frame. We put silicone and we can stick it lopsided no problem. You have to calculate well and support the entire structure so that it is well glued and positioned.

Portrait to give away on Father's Day

Fifth step:

We painted the entire structure with the acrylic paint. We'll do it on the front and back.

Portrait to give away on Father's Day

Step Six:

We take the white cardboard and we print a nice messagewe can print it this article. If we can't print it we can put some beautiful and handmade message. We take the measurements of the easel and cut out the quadrant from the cardboard.

Seventh step:

we choose one photo of the boy or girl and stick it to the side. We can make a nice border with the help of a black marker. The boy or girl can also lightly smear one finger and print your fingerprint.

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