Picture with hanging heart to make with children

This craft is very simple and very quick to do so children will love doing it and seeing the result. It can be ideal as a gift, to decorate your bedroom or home or simply for the illusion of doing so.

Do not miss how to do it because if the children do not want to do it ... it looks so beautiful, that you will want to do it!


To make the craft you will need the following materials:

  • 4 polo sticks of the same color
  • 1 piece of string the length of the pole stick
  • 1 piece of red or colored card stock with glitter
  • White glue
  • Zeal

How to make the craft

How are you going to check shortly, it is a very easy craft. You should first have all the materials on hand. Take the 4 polo sticks and put them as a square as you see in the images. You only need put a bit of glue in each corner and glue the corresponding pole sticks.

Once they are glued and you have created a square in square, take the piece of rope and glue it in the middle of the square, as you see in the images. So that it is well attached you can put a piece of tape to stick it to the picture. Once you have it, cut out the heart to the size you consider and glue it to the string.

Put it in the middle of the rope more or less so that it is well balanced. Put it with a little zeal as you see in the image so that, if one day you want to change the decorative motif you can do it easily. You will already have the painting with a hanging heart!

It is very beautiful and you can use it to decorate the part of your home that you prefer. It will have looked great on you and the children will have really enjoyed making this easy and beautiful craft.

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