Hello everybody! In this craft we are going to do this pom pom monster so much fun. It is very simple to do, it can be done with children to create different monsters with different expressions, colors, sizes ...
Do you want to see how to do it?
Materials that we will need to make our pompom monster
- Two-color wool, you can add all the colors you want to make the monster's body.
- Black eva rubber or any color that you like or have at home.
- Felt dark or pink as it will be for the mouth.
- Eyes for crafts
- Scissors
- tenedor
- Glue
Hands on craft
- First of all we will make the pompom with the fork technique or any other you know to make pompoms. You can see how to do them with this technique here: Pom pom with fork. For use different colorsWe simply roll one on top of the other until we get the volume we want for our pompom.
- We cut the pompom to give it a round shape.
- We take a piece of foam rubber to make a strip with peaks to create a crest for our monster. You can make the peaks as high as you want. We stick it to our monster by pressing well until it sticks. We can comb it afterwards to hide the lower part of the crest so that only the peaks are visible.
- We cut out a felt crescent to create the mouth of the monster. You can add white felt teeth and also a pink felt tongue. We glue it.
- We add some eyesI'm going to put two but you can put as many as you want and even of different sizes.
And ready! We already have our pom pom monster. Now we can make a bunch of pom pom monsters. We can use them to decorate the car, a shelf or to play with them.
I hope you cheer up and do this craft.