Pumpkin-shaped recycled bottles

Pumpkin-shaped recycled bottles

We present a fun way to create an easy craft to do with children. We will recycle the base of some plastic bottles, we will cut them and we will paint them typical orange color of pumpkins. We will add more details such as painting the eyes and the mouth and then we can use them to use them as simple flower pots and make the theme of Halloween.  You can also use us to store the treats of the little ones.

The materials I have used for the gourd-shaped bottles:

  • 3 large, clear plastic bottles.
  • Orange acrylic paint.
  • Black marker with fixed marking.
  • Scissors.
  • A wide brush for painting.

You can see this craft step by step in the following video:

First step:

We catch the bottles and we mark them to find out where you have to cut them. Then we proceed to cut them, where we have to form a kind of flowerpot or box to store anything.

Second step:

We paint with orange acrylic paint the entire surface of the bottle. Let dry and return to give it a second coat. You have to let the bottles dry well so that you can paint later with the marker.

Pumpkin-shaped recycled bottles

Third step:

When it finishes drying well, we take the black marking pen and we paint the typical pumpkin motifs. we finished off well eyes and mouth. We will make different motifs of eyes and mouth. At the top we will make a particular shape that we will cut out later. We let it dry again and we can use it for what we like the most.

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