Puppet of a dog or other animals to make with children #yomequedoencasa

Hello everybody! In today's craft we are going to do this funny dog ​​puppet to spend an entertaining afternoon with the little ones. These types of puppets are very easy and once you know how to make the dog, you can use your imagination to recreate the animals you want the most. In any case, we will leave you some tips for some more animals in addition to the dog.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our dog puppet

  • 2 cardboard rolls of toilet paper or two tubes of thick cardboard that we can make by rolling and gluing the cardboard.
  • Rope, wool or any type of material that can be used to join the parts such as a piece of cloth, a strip of old fabric, etc.
  • Disposable straws, or thin tubes made of cardboard and that imitate the shape of straws.
  • Eyes of crafts or eyes made with white and black cardboard.
  • A craft stick to make the crosshead from which to handle our puppet. You can also use a pen or something similar that works well for this function.
  • Glue
  • Tempera, markers or paints to color our dog (optional)
  • Paper punch or cutter to make a few holes
  • Scissors

Hands on craft

  1. First of all, let's go cut one of the cardboard tubes in half to get the base of the dog's head. The other Half we will open it in half and there we will draw and cut the dog's ears before gluing them on the head. 

  1. We add the eyes and we already have our heads ready. If you are going to paint the pieces, the moment is before gluing the eyes. You can paint head and body (the other roll) or leave them like that and add some little circles or spots.

  1. Now let's make the holes, two on the head, at the far end of the nose, both at the top and at the bottom.

  1. In the body we make a hole at each end at the top and at the bottom we will make two holes to put the legs.

  1. FOR make the legs, We pass two pieces of string through the holes at the bottom, we put a piece of straw in each end and we tie a knot so that it does not come out.

  1. The tail, We will make it by gluing one more piece of straw to the end of the body.
  2. It's time to ride. To do this we are going to cut two similar pieces of string, about 40 cm at least. We pass them through the holes at the top of the dog's body and tie a knot inside the cardboard to fix them. We are going to tie another knot to the front part (the dog's chest) about 5 cm and pass it through the head, first through the bottom hole and then through the top one, where we will tie a knot inside the cardboard to that he fixes his head well.

  1. It only remains to tie the ends of the twine to the craft stick and voila, we have our puppet.

To make other puppets, such as a giraffe, you just have to make the head smaller and the string that makes the neck longer. Experiment to see what animals you can make.

And remember #yomequedoencasa.

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