The theater of marionettes or puppets, for children, they are very good for your learning. In this way, they are integrated into the world of interpretation and representation, thereby making children lose their shyness so typical of their age.
This craft should be done by children between 6-12 years since they must cut many small pieces in cardboard, so they will also need the help of you mothers or of the monitors.
Materials and Tools
- White folio.
- Pencil and eraser.
- Colored pencils.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
- Paperboard.
- Wire.
- Fat yarn.
Firstly, we will make a sketch of our Puss in Boots puppet on a blank sheet of paper. Then we will color it to our liking and then we will cut out each of those pieces of the cat.
Subsequently, we will glue all the pieces of the puppet's body to a cardboard and we will let it dry for a whole day. Afterwards, we will carefully cut out each piece, re-gluing if something has come off.
Next, we will perform two holes in the limbs of the cat, and 4 in the body, two upper and two lower. To join each piece, we will make a hook with the wire for the joints.
Finally, once the jack is mounted with the wire hooks, we will make a cross with two pieces of straight cardboard, joining it with tape in the middle. Then, we will measure the height in which we want our puppet, and we will put it behind with zeal.
More information - Puppets to play with the shadows