How to make a rabbit-shaped mobile phone case with eva or foam rubber

Easter is coming, those days when we can take advantage of and make a craft with the little ones in the house, sometimes we can't think of what to do especially when they are old enough and want to do something for them, today I come with a solution: We are going to see how to make a rabbit-shaped mobile case with eva or foamy rubber.

You will see how it is very practical and best of all That they can do it on their own with materials that you surely have at home. Let's go with the step by step ...


  • Eva or foamy rubber in purple, white and black.
  • Silicone.
  • Scissors.
  • Permanent marker.
  • White pompom.
  • Ruler.
  • pencil.


  • Take phone measurements: add three centimeters to the length and two to the top. Pass those measurements to the eva or foamy rubber and cut with scissors or cutter.
  • Take out the four corners in a rounded shape, with scissors or helping you with a die if you have one.

  • Cut a rectangle one centimeter wide by four long, fold in half and glue this piece to the side of the rectangle. Then Glue the two rectangles around the outline.
  • It's time to decorate: To make the ears cut two elongated shapes in purple and another two in white, As seen in the image. Cut a triangular shape out of the black eva rubber, (It could also be a heart if you have a die like that). Paste everything in its place.

  • Now draw some mustaches, making three simple lines on each side of the rabbit's nose.
  • Glue the pom pom on the other side more or less through the center. I have added a heart to it.

You can place the decoration that you like the most, such as adding a chain on the flap and placing an initial to personalize your cover even more.

A practical and beautiful mobile case to wear this Easter !!!.

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