Rabbit figure with towel, a good way to give unwrapped gifts

Hello everybody! In today's craft we bring you how make a rabbit figure out of towels, It is perfect to give towels in an original way and without having to wrap them.

Do you want to see how to do it?

Materials that we will need to make our rabbit figure

  • Towels, as many as you want to give yourself. It is preferable to make these figures with small towels, however it can be done with all sizes.
  • Rubber bands or threads to tie.
  • A decoration ribbon.
  • Crafts eyes.
  • Pompon for the tail.
  • Small circle for the nose.
  • Glue, if any can be soluble in water.

Hands on craft

You can see the steps to make this craft in the following video:

Steps to follow to carry out this craft:

  1. Spread the towel well, smooth it with your hands and fold it into a triangle.
  2. Ir rolling up the triangle from top to bottom. Make sure that there is a tight roll. To achieve this, it is best to start from the beginning by making the winding very fine and as tight as possible.
  3. We fold the roll in half, putting the tips towards the front at the same height.
  4. We fold the tips up and grasp the new double well, fixing it with a rubber band or yarn to get the bunny's head and ears. We accommodate the ears well
  5. We put a tape on the rubber and we make a bow.
  6. Now there is only put the pompon in the back where the tail would go, glue the eyes and nose. It is important to use a glue that goes with the water or use very little glue so that the towels can be used later.

And ready! You can now prepare these beautiful figures to give as gifts. You can put them in a basket accompanied by other bath products.

I hope you cheer up and do this craft.

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