This tube is formed to recreate the sound of rain. With a cardboard tube that we can recycle, we have to paint it and add a wire and seeds to make that sound so pleasant. Dare to make it as big as you can, so that its sound lasts much longer.
In this craft we teach how to do it simply and with first-hand materials. In addition, a demonstration video has been made so that you do not miss any of its steps. I hope you like it.
The materials that I have used are:
- 1 long cardboard tube
- Red acrylic paint
- A piece of yellow or white cardboard
- A piece of brown paper
- Red and white thread
- Blue colored wool
- Light blue thin rope
- A wire about a meter long, easy to bend
- Foil
- Hot silicone and its silicone
- A paint brush
- Scissors
- Something to make circles (a wide glass)
- Pencil
- Rice and lentils, two small handfuls
You can see this craft step by step in the following video:
First step:
We paint the tube acrylic paint red and let it dry.
Second step:
In the piece of brown paper we make two circles. They have to be made much larger than the diameter of the tube circle. It can be done with a compass, but in my case I have drawn them with the help of a glass. Then we will cut out the circles.
Third step:
We do two cardboard circlesFor this we take as a template the circle of the same tube, marking it on the cardboard. At the time of cutting it we will do it a centimeter and a half from the circle, that is, making it much larger. When we have it done we will do some small cutouts at the ends and around the circle, there will be small tabs that will help us to glue the circle much better.
Fourth step:
We take that cardboard circle and We will stick it on the end of the tube of cardboard. The tabs that we have cut will make it much easier for us to paste the circle. This cardboard will serve as a plugging for one of the ends of the tube.
Fifth step:
Let go winding the wire to put it later inside the tube. We will calculate to roll it as long as possible so that it fits from beginning to end. Later we will roll it up with aluminum foil to thicken the wire. This shape will help us so that when we put in the seeds it is difficult for them to fall when we move the stick from top to bottom. We put the wire structure inside the tube and put the seeds. We introduce about two small handfuls.
Step Six:
We cover the other end of the tube with the other piece of cardboard and in the same way as before. We decorate the ends of the tube with the brown paper circles. We wrinkle the ends a bit so that it looks nice and we stick it with the silicone.
Seventh step:
When we have the ends decorated with the paper we will attach the decorative strings. We will place and tie them in the order we want and so that they do not move we can give a point of silicone. Now we only have to test how our rain stick sounds to us.